Updating My Account Print

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Keeping your account up to date is very important. Using your portal to do this is easy.

Under Update

  1. log into your account: https://qdhosts.com/myacct/index.php?rp=/login
  2. Once you are in your client area you can update multiple items.
    1. Updating Your Information: On the left hand side of the screen you will see your information listed. Simply click on the update button and update your information. Select Save button at the bottom of the screen.
    2. User Management: If you need to add other users from your company to this system, use this option to invite them to create an account. 
    3. Payment Methods: Click this option to update your credit card information. You can add multiple cards or just have the default card which must be on file for billing. 
    4. Contacts: This option allows you to add additional contact people to the system. These are people who the support department can contact about your account. You can set email preferences for each contact during the setup process.
    5. Account Security: This allows third party applications to leverage the Single Sign-On functionality to provide direct access to your billing account without you having to re-authenticate.
    6. Email History: This option shows your recent emails at a glance. 

Under Your Profile

  1. Your Profile: This option allows you to change your name and your email address. Simply update the field you wish to change and hit save changes. 
  2. Change Password: Enter your existing password first and then enter your new password. Scroll down and enter in the new password again in the confirm field before saving your changes.
  3. Security Settings: This is where you can setup two-step authentication. You can disable or enable this option here. 


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