I am having trouble signing into my account Print

  • can't login, signing in
  • 0

If you can not log into your account please do the following:


  1. Check to make sure you are using the correct email address. (Check your email for Qdhosts correspondence to verify.)
  2. Check to make sure you are using the correct password.
    1. If you are not sure please refer to: https://qdhosts.com/myacct/knowledgebase/64/Resetting-My-Password.htm 
  3. Check to make sure your IP is not blocked.
    1. You can send an email to support including your IP with a subject ("IP BLOCK") and the support department will check to see if your IP is blocked.  Just email support@qdhosts.com and add your IP 4 address in the description. As long as your email comes from your registered email address the support team will unblock you. 
  4. If none of the above works, please contact the support department at 267-613-4353.

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