
Digicert Website Security Solutions secures sites and helps to defend against attacks. Our solutions Secure Site and Secure Site Pro come with free value-added services that offer protection to customers and their site visitors beyond SSL. And our Extended Validation (EV) option adds an extra level of authentication and recognizable visual cues within the browser. The following is our unique feature set for these products:





Industry Leading
SSL Certificates

• The most complete portfolio of feature-rich SSL certificates and products
• All Symantec SSL Certificates enable up to
256-bit encryption and are based on 2048-bit roots

• Protect against Web attacks and data theft • Build trust, legitimacy and consumer confidence from search to browse to buy
• Easy to keep SSL certificates current with annual renewal

• Symantec SSL Certificates with Server-Gated Cryptography (SGC) enable the strongest encryption available to the most site visitors, 128-bit minimum to 256-bit encryption for over 99.9% of Internet users.

Daily Website
Anti-malware Scan

• Standard in all of our Symantec certificates
• Helps protect sites against hackers and hard to detect malicious software via daily
scans of a Website code
• Scans at the hostname of the SSL certificate, including JavaScript and iFrames

• Reduces the risk of being blacklisted by Google or
other search engines
• Prevents rogue access to servers and installation of
malicious code that could cripple Websites
• Prevents the spread of viruses
• Protects sensitive data like credit card and other
personal information
• Issues e-Mail alerts and instructions if site is
infected with malicious software

• Distribution of malware via web sites almost doubled and over 286 million unique variants of malware were identified in 2010.


• Quickly identifies and takes action against
critical weaknesses that are commonly exploited by hackers
• Identifies potentially thousands of critical and
informational vulnerabilities
• Complements existing protection for a more powerful solution

• Automatic weekly scan for vulnerabilities on public facing Web pages, Web-based applications, server
software and network ports
• Receive an actionable report that identifies both
critical vulnerabilities that should be investigated
immediately and informational items that pose a lower risk
• Re-scan Website to help confirm vulnerabilities have been fixed

Digicert reported more vulnerabilities (6,253) in 2010, the most of any year
recorded by Digicert.


Only SSL certificates with Extended Validation
trigger high-security Web browsers to display
your organization’s name in a green address bar.

• An easy and reliable way to verify site identity and
• Protects against phishing threats, which continue to
grow—up to 35,000 new sites detected each month
• Enables greater confidence, which leads to more business
• $1.5M Netsure Warranty

• Digicert helped lead the development of
Extended Validation and as of January 2012 has issued more EV SSL Certificates* than any other Certificate
• As of January 2012 two-thirds of websites using Extended Validation SSL choose the Symantec brands,* including some
of the biggest names in e-commerce and banking. *Includes Symantec subsidiaries, affiliates, and resellers.


Digicert™ Seal-in-Search™, a feature of Digicert Website Security Solution with SSL and the Norton™ Secured Seal, puts the Norton™ Secured Seal next to your link to show that your Web site is trusted by Digicert.

• Create customer confidence and influence sales 
• Complement SEO investment by making your
search results more actionable by differentiating them with the Norton Secured Seal

SAN Support
(up to 24 licenses)

• Subject Alternative Name (SAN) functionality offers a cost-effective, versatile option to provide SSL-secured communications for servers using multiple domain names and hostnames—within a single SSL certificate.

• Recognized by Microsoft for compliance with
Unified Communications (UC) usage for Microsoft Exchange and Communications Server
• Lowers administrative & deployment costs by
securing up to 25 separate domains or host names with a single certificate
• Eases certificate installation and management
via single-certificate support of any combination of domain names 
• Fulfills administration needs of feature-rich environments (e.g., client- server and server 

Digicert secures more than one million Web servers worldwide.*

*Includes Digicert subsidiaries, affiliates, and